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Forbes Expert Panel Feature: 15 Ways To Strike The Balance Between ‘Business Convenience’ And Its Human Cost

Published: Author: Lisa Horn

We’re all so busy in this modern era. So when it’s time to make a purchase, convenience is often a high consideration. But convenience can come at a cost. How can today’s businesses operate in the fairest and most ethical way possible while still offering convenience?

In the article 15 Ways To Strike The Balance Between “Business Convenience” And Its Human Cost, Valerie Hayman Sklar, Corporate Specialties’ president, joins 14 fellow Forbes Business Council members to discuss ways to reduce the negative impact on the people who help make modern convenience possible. 

Her advice: When purchasing promotional products, it’s convenient to order merchandise online through a mass retailer. However, these goods may not be manufactured ethically, sustainably or safely. Work with a professional promotional consultant to ensure you have documentation that reduces the risk of these issues so the items used to market your brand aligns with your values and corporate responsibility code. 

Check out all the tips here. And in case you missed Valerie’s previous feature-length editorials, view her contributions here.   

Purchasing branded merchandise that is manufactured ethically, sustainably and safely doesn’t have to be inconvenient. Our concierge service makes the process easy. 

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